Monday, December 22, 2008

Shoes and Senate Seats

Ok. It has been quite a while since I've posted and it is not because I have a lack of things that are on my mind - just a lack of quality time to post! So, now - with the snow piling up outside and the kids occupied with friends I have a moment to write...about shoes and senate seats.

First - the shoe thrower in Iraq. The first I saw of this was from my Google home page feed and I clicked onto a video link showing our President ducking a shoe. The first thing I did was laugh. Not because I thought the event was funny - but because of the look on our President's face. Shoes hurling through the air and he skillfully ducked. I was impressed - as I play the Wii Fit and I can't duck soccer shoes hurling through the air. Makes me wonder if President Bush has a Wii in his office.

So - the man who threw the shoes. Is he a horrible person - should he be jailed for this offense? Ultimately, he missed and did he intend on hitting the President? My thought is he only was expressing his dissatisfaction. If I took my shoe and threw it at a public official what would the crime be? I'm thinking I'd be guilty of assault as I threw the shoe, it did not touch the official but the intent was there. Assault. So charge the man with assault and have it be done with. Let President Bush pardon the man - forgive him for expressing his anger. The man has every right to express himself - just not in the manner he chose. Yet, I'm thankful the man that hurled his shoes did so - as it demonstrates people are now feeling as if they can express themselves. Fantastic. We all have our emotions and feelings and for the first time in years - people in Iraq are getting comfortable expressing themselves.

Now - onto Senate seats. Selling them to the highest bidder? What is with our elected officials? How on earth do we as a people keep putting these people in office? Good Lord - I've really had enough! As a graduate of a public administration program I understand the need for people to publicly serve. I see the need for individuals to step up and make this country great. I see the need for people to take on the public office setting without violating ethics and I'm wondering what is so difficult about the process. From affairs to scandals - how do these men and women in office have time to screw us and each other? Which leads me to the fact it is not the is the power that causes the problem. Stan Lee said it best "With great power comes great responsibility." I only wish our politicians could take a look in the mirror and find the true meaning of service and perform the duty unconditionally.