Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Stars and Stripes

I was driving home from the baseball game today and the wind picked up outside. I noticed a flag fluttering in the wind - the field of blue with the white stars and the stripes moving and softly folding in on itself before the wind died down and the flag fell limp against the pole.

I don't know why - it struck me today - the thought of "what if I were in another country, would seeing the flag mean more?" I'm not exactly sure why I thought of it - maybe because I find I take much for granted here and I realized it today.

My kids were in school, I was done for the week with my work and my husband was home diligently doing chores. I on the other hand, was in the car driving home after spending an entire morning watching professional baseball and enjoying the company of friends. I thought nothing of getting in the car, driving to a ball park and buying tickets to a game. I thought nothing of what I was wearing - the jeans, tennis shoes, fleece vest. I took for granted the amount of food I had access - and the food I consumed. I thought nothing of running my hands through my uncovered head or the fact I was looking a man in the eye as he spoke.

So a whole lot of not thinking, or considering led to this post. Why? Because I wonder if I would feel more for my flag if everything I thought nothing of was taken in an instant.

We are so entitled and we think nothing of it. We can fly a flag and not consider for a moment what it really represents. How often do we do that with other things in life?

I think then to faith - and how often I make the sign of the cross or offer the sign of peace and not really consider what it means.

I think of the times when I say I'll do something like "we must really get together, you must come for dinner, we need to get the kids together to play, I'd love to help" - and then for one reason or another I don't follow through.

How does this inter-relate to the fact of the flag? It is about it being so common place and overused, it becomes nothing.

When we used to have family gatherings - important family gatherings - we would serve a meal on fine china. China was very rarely used and when it was placed upon the table we recongized the value and significance of the get together. By putting the flag on display each and every day are we somehow forgetting the importance of the flag and what it means?

Or, should we think - if we didn't display the flag would we forget about those who fought for our freedoms?

For those of you that know me - I am conflicted - often questioning, wanting to know more - I desire to be the best I can be but often question my purpose in life. I stand by my passion for citizenship, but how can I be a true citizen when I take so much for granted? I understood it today - when I caught glimpse of the flag and it hit me - out of no where - like a ton of bricks. What would that flag mean to me if I never saw it wave again?

Maybe we should all consider that thought. Maybe we would all be better citizens if we considered the thought just for a moment.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009


Ok. One of my favorite things to say when there is an observation or obvious mess up is "They must have been smoking crack." It is the only thing I come up with to explain the idiotic outcomes.

Whoever designed the handicap short term parking area at the Gerald R. Ford International must've been smoking crack. Why? Because there is no possible way anyone in a wheelchair could get into the building from the lot unless they go out the in/out areas designed for cars to enter the building from outside the handicap area. There isn't a ramp or curb access at all. Go figure. Who thought up a handicap lot without thinking about curbs and ramps?

Whoever designed the traffic pattern in and out of GreenRidge Square on Alpine. They must have been smoking crack. I don't even know how to explain for those of you that are not familiar with the area - how messed up this traffic pattern is - yet the worst part of all is the fact you are unable to drive straight across the street to the shopping center - you are only allowed to go left or right and neither direction is conducive for getting in the the parking lot. I really cannot stand having to go shopping over on Alpine - near Target because of the mess.

So - next time you are at the airport - check out the handicap lot and let me know what you think.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

From the mouths of babes

I enjoy driving. I especially enjoy driving when my children want to talk, ask questions and engage in honest dialogue. Most of the time I am turning up the radio to drown out the fighting, but the other day I turned down the radio so I could listen in - eavesdrop if you will - on the conversation. Ben and Janis were in a hard core conversation about being brother and sister.

Janis mentioned that she is a "sister" to her friend next door and when Ben said she wasn't she about came unglued. Seems Janis and her buddy were discussing the Bible and the notion we are all brothers and sisters. Ben then took the suggestion and indicated there is no way possible we could all be actual brothers and sisters because then no one could get married.

Janis then chimed in she would hate to have another brother because one was simply enough.

The kids could tell I was listening in - as Ben addressed me and asked: "Mom. Why does the Bible say we should treat everyone like brothers and sisters, when all brothers and sisters do is fight?" Good question and the only thing I could think of is "Maybe we do. Maybe that is why we have war."

Ben has a point - he is in a constant struggle with his sister and while they love each other, there is not perfect harmony. He does something to annoy her and she does something back - they love and hate at the same time. Does this exist in war? Can individuals from two different worlds find common ground, yet still have the ability to hate so much? I wrote a while back about the movie "Where in the World is Osama Bin Laden?" and the notion we all want the same things in life - a safe place for our children to grow, a good education and a better life for them. We may see things a bit differently and fight, but we all truly share a common bond...humanity.

So. We have this common bond - we want the best in life and seek to be absolutely loved and accepted - it is what we want in life. Why then do we not allow some people to experience acceptance, love and joy? Why then do we have a community that cannot accept people for who they are - faults and all? Why then do we have a community that would rather hide those, than embrace them?

In church a few weeks ago - the topic was about lepers - how they were shunned from communities and forced to annouce they were "unclean" to those that approached. I listen and think "how horrible it must have been" but then I think of how there are those in our community that are labeled and shunned - the homeless, the adicts, sex offenders, those with AIDS and homosexuals. How is it people in our communities can stand in judgement of others? What makes one person "better" than another and why on earth do we allow it to happen?

Maybe we truly are brothers and sisters.

We point out the faults, tattle, pick on and expose the weaknesses of others.

We should be brothers and sisters of a more forgiving nature, a loving nature, one suggesting support and compassion...then again....what fun would that be?

Monday, January 12, 2009


I love Jack Bauer. I love him. I love how he is conflicted, how he can love and let go, how he is loyal in the face of uncertainty. I love his style and the fact he can get out of any situation. I love his ability to be aware of his environment. I simply love Jack.

I hate that I have to wait until next week to find out what happens.

What amazes me about the show, is each and every week I know I'll be left hanging - and each and every week I get up after the hour is up and say "I hate this show."

It is also a show where my intensity level elevates and I find myself unable to relax for a few hours after - not sure why I get so caught up, mentally and physically - but I think it is the thought that some of this "Hollywood" isn't so off base. While Jack Bauer is all Hollywood, the situations are all in a realm of reality - and maybe that is what is frightening to me - to live in a world where greed and power are so pervasive. Makes me think. A Lot.

I start to think about those we've elected to office - how it is their own best interest they serve and not ours. While there are those that may go in young and fresh, full of ideals and passion - it is left behind somewhere. I often wonder about the reflection pool near the US Capitol - do you ever think it was put there for our leaders to look into and see if they like the reflection staring back?

I am conflicted these days - in many things - my passions, my desires, my goals, my faith, my government. I think government is operating in places it should not be - meddling and stirring the pot - why just the other day I saw something on the news that indicated an apartment complex made it illegal for people to smoke in their rented apartments. What is that?! Who elected these people? While I gave up smoking years ago and thankful I quit, I still think it is a right for people to smoke....for it is within the law. So we have government that tells us how to live, how to work, how to be healthy, how to be educated....but it cannot follow its own rules.

Without laws we would have no order. I realize that point and I'm not suggesting we go rogue and break the law as we see fit - but I do think we have a responsibility to become vocal and have some input on the law. I do feel we have a duty to serve in our homes and in our communities. I do feel we are not above the law, but nor are we to be held down by it. I think that is ultimately what I love about Jack Bauer.

Until next week...I'll be watching full episodes online.....

Sunday, January 4, 2009


Well - Christmas day is past and so is the New Year but it is the observations of those past few weeks that has me really wondering how we are raising our children. The idea of waiting, and saving for things must be considered so outdated it is no wonder why we are having financial bailouts left and right.

At one event I overheard a mom, as she played with her Blackberry, how her children would constantly fight over the laptop computer in their home. Her solution was simply to go out and buy another one. Now it is peace and quiet and mom doesn't have to listen to the fight. Um. Did I miss something here? I simply shake my head and consider the actions of the adults and then I can understand why our youth do not have a clue. In our house, we have multiple computers and it has nothing to do with sharing issues or solving a fight and our children are not allowed to play on the computer. In our home, the computer is a tool - it is a tool for work and school. Granted I do allow the children an occasional navigational field trip to check explore Webkinz or Club Penguin but those moments are few and far between.

If I heard my kids fighting over the computer they would no longer have access. A fight over a computer is unacceptable - just as a fight over most things is. For fighting over items is irresponsible and we teach our children as such. Yeah - I have perfect kids - they do not fight over things - they fight with each other....that is for another blog on another day.

So. We have the woman that buys her kids a new laptop for fighting. Then we have the young girl who walked up to someone, and I'm thinking it was a relative because the word Aunt was used and demanded her Christmas gift. Outright said "Hey, Aunt So and So. Where is my gift." It was not said sweetly with kisses and sugar - it was more like swoop in and take and when there was no gift it was "You gave so and so theirs. I want mine." Hello? Has the meaning of the word "gift" been redefined? Nothing was said to the young girl - not by the Aunt or the parents nearby. I only shake my head in disappointment our youth are so comfortable demanding from their elders.

I see greed and waste everywhere and I think to myself "are we accustomed to so much we cannot see the value in what we have?" It is sad that we cannot look deeper and reconnect with ourselves, our children and our families and find the true motivation for our existence. We are all here for a purpose - not just to take - we must give back.

For the mom who uses things to solve the issues of parenting - I hope you have a ton of money in the bank - because buying things to make your kids stop fighting will never work. Put down your Blackberry and forget about your personal life. Look at your children and help them discover who they are and show them how fortunate they are. Go camping where you having nothing but the clothes on your back - reconnect.

For the young gal who demanded a gift. What have you done for your mom or dad? What have you done for your Aunt? Give of yourself and maybe it will be a whole lot easier for Auntie to reward your efforts.

I don't want to give up on people - as I think there is much we are able to do. I also don't have to look far to see the good works of people right here in my community. Works of those that really understand there is something greater than themselves. If you want to be inspired - check out one of my new favorite blog, Jesus on the Street.

Welcome to the new year - where we make resolutions to better ourselves. If we can better ourselves, we can better our communities.