Monday, August 9, 2010

Under Scrutiny

I do not watch much television, nor do I listen to a lot of radio. Perhaps it is me, with my head in the sand but if I listened to the news I would be constantly yelling at reporters. I would have a one way debate in which I would surely win. Yet, just yesterday I was riding in the car with my wonderful husband and I listened to a call in show about the recent vacation the First Lady and her daughter have taken to Europe.

Many people were upset because of the sheer cost of the vacation, and yes, I think it is appropriate to question actions when there may be occasions of wasteful spending when taxpayers are footing the bill - but should we be outraged about a 10 day vacation when we can be outraged about the wasteful spending that occurs on a daily basis in this country?

It is easy to pick on someone in the public eye. It is easy to point fingers and judge. So what if Mrs. Obama is wearing a thousand dollar jean top - more power to her! My sister was talking today about someone commenting on her athletic shoes - she has these toe shoes barefoot athletes wear - and she wore them tubing in a river to protect her feet. Apparently one woman could not believe she was wearing "hundred dollar shoes" - apparently she was pretty vocal about how much of a waste it was to spend that much money on shoes. Well - the woman pointing the finger had a tattoo on the back of her neck - should we point out how much ink costs?

We all have things we spend our money on that would not make any sense to anyone else - but does that mean if someone has a lavish spending habit they are wrong? I would say from an accountability standpoint - if the money is being borrowed (government handout, grant, gift or loan) there should be restrictions. Yet, if the person has worked hard and wants to spend their money on a shirt so be it.

So we move to the fact the vacation was in Europe and not in the US. Ok. I've always told my kids they need to see what is here in this country first - to know and understand all regions are different and to explore in our own backyard. We have amazing beauty here and many, many things to do. When we travel we try to find off the beaten path things - like the whistle factory in Columbus, OH, or the New Year's Sausage Drop in a small town near Toledo or even Gotta Groove records, a vinyl pressing factory that makes records in Cleveland, OH. We could bring up Wall Drug, SD, the Cadillac Ranch on the road through Amarillo, or what about the Blue Bell Ice Cream factory in Broken Arrow, OK. These are just a few gems we have here I bet you won't find in Spain.

We have cobble stone streets, beautiful cathedrals and a rich history. We have battlefields and reservations, harbor towns and railroad towns we have much to see and much to explore. We have the mountains and rivers the canyons and prairies and I bet the Obama children have not explored everything we have. But, what I think is the best way to travel is similar to buying a thousand dollar top. I know if I walk into the Salvation Army I can find something cute and fun and pay a few dollars. I also know by shopping there I help individuals make a better life for themselves. I get my satisfaction that way - it is not the same for everyone.

While we can poke and be critical - let us consider the event for what it is - a mother and a daughter on a vacation - seizing opportunity when it comes.

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