Sunday, April 27, 2008


I had a great day yesterday. I completed a five year haul...some great times, some good times and a few rough patches...but you know what. I finished and I couldn't have done it without a few people along the way.

I owe the most to my husband, who worked long hours to provide the ability for me to attend school. I thank him for all the times dinner wasn't made, the house was filthy, laundry piled up and the office covered in paper. He never complained, only encouraged and always had this to say "I said if you start it, you need to finish it." It was his way of saying "it is what you need to do."

I also couldn't have done it without my three amazing babysitters. The first, Lynell - took care of Janis when she was just a baby - at a time, when Janis only wanted to be held and was demanding because I was gone. There were nights Janis would cry non-stop and Lynell just stuck it out. She stayed with me until she married and moved away. Then I was blessed with the opportunity to meet Lindsey - a young woman full of confidence and attitude. My kids loved her and she made sure she was always on time and never missed a night. Then, it was time for her to move away and go to college. Leaving me with my final sitter, Kaitlyn. Amazing and steady, reliable and sure. My kids adore her as well - and her adventure is about to begin as she heads to college as well. I couldn't have done it without three wonderful, confident, reliable and responsible young woman.

I also couldn't have done it without the inspiration of instructors and classmates. We truly have the ability to change the world and it feels good. What I loved most about the coursework was the ability to discuss advocacy, organizations and leadership. We had a great program and I learned so much.

I'm glad I'm finally done but I wouldn't take back the process of learning and the indiviudals I met along the way. I had a great time and enjoyed every minute of it...we'll most of my minutes....until next time. Go Lakers!

1 comment:

Summer said...

We're done, we're done, we're done!!!!! I feel like jumping up and down and screaming like a madwoman.

Oh wait, I am! lol

I don't know what I'm going to get my Ph.D. in yet. I'm not even going to think about it for awhile. I need a break. Dear god do I need a break. I feel like I've been raked over the coals than tossed into Lake Superior!

I can't believe we did it. Keep me posted on what goes on. I've added you to my feedreader, and I'll add a link to your blog on my blogroll.

We're done, we're done, we're done!!!!!