Monday, May 19, 2008

Productivity is a great feeling!

I have learned so much these past few years, about myself, about others and about things I never even thought I'd learn. Today was one of those days that I amazed myself and was excited about learning and being "hands on." Today Sylvia, Lorne and I played around with a program called Wink. It is a tool for creating tutorials and it captures everything you do on your computer screen so you can play it back later for someone else to follow. It was so much fun trying it out, learning about the process together, the afternoon flew by.

Everything fell into place today as well - from dropping the kids off at school, running to the local women's fitness center (I joined on the premise I'm participating in a study), running to Grand Valley to meet with my career services woman (who now knows why I'm so confused in life), then off to Diane's where we worked non-stop, then racing back across town to grab the kids from school.

Tonight was fun as well - as I set a PR in my pistol league...I managed to make every shot hit the target and I scored 20 points higher than usual. I think I was running on adrenaline, as the guy next to me was firing a 9mm. That is a noise I'm not sure I can get used to!

Yet, when I arrived home, got the kids to bed, I was able to play with video editing some more and I came up with this....I especially like the words at the it is selling the program. Funny my career test never said anything about advertising......hummm....

Enjoy the video. Let me know what you think. Until next time - roll up those pant legs and run in the water, life is too short to stay dry all the time. ***For some reason, and it isn't quite clear why, but in the words at the end, I'm missing the "n" on "administration" - yet when I go back and look at my work - it is there....somewhere, my "n" is floating thru cyber space, looking for a home. Hope you enjoy the video...even with the obvious but rather baffling error.

Video created using: Video Thang (free online...check it out)
Interview by: Diane Kimoto & Sylvia Juta
Filming by: Jenny Frasco
Editing & Production by: Jenny Frasco

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