Wednesday, June 2, 2010

It is June

June has arrived and it arrived in splendor - sunny and warm - perfect start to the summer.

With the arrival of June comes many events, the last day of school for my kids. This day happens every year and yet, it is this one that is hitting me deep in the heart. My son will move to middle school and my daughter second grade. Where did the year go? I could tell you - I was buried beneath the ruble of an MBA. I remember back to the fall when I wished the year would be over and thought "I cannot wish the year away because I would be wishing another year away with my children." Tough, but it is what it is. Another year down and the summer awaits.

I love summer. I love it because there is opportunity. Opportunity to go about your day with no restrictions or plans - the ability to get up and do what you please, when you please. Yet, this is also dangerous because inevitably, without having a plan - we tend to let summer slip by without maximizing opportunity. So, needless to say, wanting to stay away from a schedule leads to wanting to set one. All so I make sure we don't look back and wonder why we wasted summer.

I want to spend time on the dunes, explore a bit of Michigan before we end up moving. I want to feel connected to this place before I venture into the unknown. I don't know who sings the country song - about wanting to touch home - a woman knocks on the door of her childhood home wanting to touch the past to heal and find herself. I want to make sure I imprint upon my mind, this place - to have good positive memories before I get to make more in a new environment.

I also consider this is the month we lose Filippo our exchange student. I have had a grand time getting to know him and it will be sad to see him go. Yet, I think he too will come back for a visit - but it won't be to this house - to the area he spent his year. I've often thought about visiting my host family and how odd it would be to visit them - in a place I have no connection. Yet, we move on - establish new homes and environments and we build our lives around those instances. We are better because we are all influenced by all these cool factors. Even knowing Fil - we are influenced by him and there are memories we build upon because of him. He will be missed for sure.

I consider the 17th - the day I swear in and take my place as member of the United States Navy. I've thought of the Navy for years and now - it is here - and while I am so excited I am nervous too. I often wonder if it is the right path but everything fell into place and any hurdles before me, I was able to leap without faltering. I look at the way it has come together and feel in my heart and soul - this is where I was meant to belong. I was meant to give back to the same institution that gave me life. I fear, of letting down my family and those around me - I fear my kids may resent the path - I fear - of lots of things but know it is so important to rely on my faith for strength and courage and I hope my family will do the same.

I mention faith often - not because I am a particularly religious person - but because I have been "healed" by faith. I know it sounds wacky -but it is true. I felt I was missing something and it wasn't until I really just let myself go - to experience faith in action and listen to the Word - it hit me. It is not just some abstractness - but more of a tool. Use faith as a tool and it will get you where you need to be. I feel as if I should be Forrest Gump "That's all I got to say 'bout that."

We have scout camp and vacation bible school, potlucks and picnics and then June will be over. I can already feel summer slipping away....