Monday, January 12, 2009


I love Jack Bauer. I love him. I love how he is conflicted, how he can love and let go, how he is loyal in the face of uncertainty. I love his style and the fact he can get out of any situation. I love his ability to be aware of his environment. I simply love Jack.

I hate that I have to wait until next week to find out what happens.

What amazes me about the show, is each and every week I know I'll be left hanging - and each and every week I get up after the hour is up and say "I hate this show."

It is also a show where my intensity level elevates and I find myself unable to relax for a few hours after - not sure why I get so caught up, mentally and physically - but I think it is the thought that some of this "Hollywood" isn't so off base. While Jack Bauer is all Hollywood, the situations are all in a realm of reality - and maybe that is what is frightening to me - to live in a world where greed and power are so pervasive. Makes me think. A Lot.

I start to think about those we've elected to office - how it is their own best interest they serve and not ours. While there are those that may go in young and fresh, full of ideals and passion - it is left behind somewhere. I often wonder about the reflection pool near the US Capitol - do you ever think it was put there for our leaders to look into and see if they like the reflection staring back?

I am conflicted these days - in many things - my passions, my desires, my goals, my faith, my government. I think government is operating in places it should not be - meddling and stirring the pot - why just the other day I saw something on the news that indicated an apartment complex made it illegal for people to smoke in their rented apartments. What is that?! Who elected these people? While I gave up smoking years ago and thankful I quit, I still think it is a right for people to smoke....for it is within the law. So we have government that tells us how to live, how to work, how to be healthy, how to be educated....but it cannot follow its own rules.

Without laws we would have no order. I realize that point and I'm not suggesting we go rogue and break the law as we see fit - but I do think we have a responsibility to become vocal and have some input on the law. I do feel we have a duty to serve in our homes and in our communities. I do feel we are not above the law, but nor are we to be held down by it. I think that is ultimately what I love about Jack Bauer.

Until next week...I'll be watching full episodes online.....

1 comment:

green mom for Jesus said...

Hey Jen!
I like your words here -

I often wonder about the reflection pool near the US Capitol - do you ever think it was put there for our leaders to look into and see if they like the reflection staring back?

Have a great day!