Thursday, May 28, 2009

The Stars and Stripes

I was driving home from the baseball game today and the wind picked up outside. I noticed a flag fluttering in the wind - the field of blue with the white stars and the stripes moving and softly folding in on itself before the wind died down and the flag fell limp against the pole.

I don't know why - it struck me today - the thought of "what if I were in another country, would seeing the flag mean more?" I'm not exactly sure why I thought of it - maybe because I find I take much for granted here and I realized it today.

My kids were in school, I was done for the week with my work and my husband was home diligently doing chores. I on the other hand, was in the car driving home after spending an entire morning watching professional baseball and enjoying the company of friends. I thought nothing of getting in the car, driving to a ball park and buying tickets to a game. I thought nothing of what I was wearing - the jeans, tennis shoes, fleece vest. I took for granted the amount of food I had access - and the food I consumed. I thought nothing of running my hands through my uncovered head or the fact I was looking a man in the eye as he spoke.

So a whole lot of not thinking, or considering led to this post. Why? Because I wonder if I would feel more for my flag if everything I thought nothing of was taken in an instant.

We are so entitled and we think nothing of it. We can fly a flag and not consider for a moment what it really represents. How often do we do that with other things in life?

I think then to faith - and how often I make the sign of the cross or offer the sign of peace and not really consider what it means.

I think of the times when I say I'll do something like "we must really get together, you must come for dinner, we need to get the kids together to play, I'd love to help" - and then for one reason or another I don't follow through.

How does this inter-relate to the fact of the flag? It is about it being so common place and overused, it becomes nothing.

When we used to have family gatherings - important family gatherings - we would serve a meal on fine china. China was very rarely used and when it was placed upon the table we recongized the value and significance of the get together. By putting the flag on display each and every day are we somehow forgetting the importance of the flag and what it means?

Or, should we think - if we didn't display the flag would we forget about those who fought for our freedoms?

For those of you that know me - I am conflicted - often questioning, wanting to know more - I desire to be the best I can be but often question my purpose in life. I stand by my passion for citizenship, but how can I be a true citizen when I take so much for granted? I understood it today - when I caught glimpse of the flag and it hit me - out of no where - like a ton of bricks. What would that flag mean to me if I never saw it wave again?

Maybe we should all consider that thought. Maybe we would all be better citizens if we considered the thought just for a moment.

1 comment:

green mom for Jesus said...

Hi Jen.
Good words. Thanks for sharing.