Wednesday, April 7, 2010

All this at no charge to you!

Today I answered the phone. Not that answering the phone is a big deal, but I knew as soon as I had to repeat "hello" twice it was a sales call. This particular call was from DTE Energy and the guy on the other end of the line was trying to sell me a protection plan for my furnace and hot water heater.

He did a great job telling me if I purchased the plan protection for 13.99 a month if anything were to ever go wrong I could have someone from DTE come out and fix it all at no cost to me.

Hum. At no cost to me.

Funny thing is, the guy mentioned this several times and I wanted to laugh. If all this was going to be done at no cost to me, why on earth would I want to spend over $167.00 a year to "protect" my furnace and hot water heater. I told him I was not interested and really had to bite my tongue when he asked "Why?" I only said "I'm simply not interested."

Here is my thought - do people sign up for stuff this quick? Now, I'm not going to tell you I've never fallen for a great sales job - my husband would say I'm first to jump on a bandwagon when it deals with weight loss stuff - but when it comes to appliance protection plans - isn't it cheaper to buy a brand new appliance?

Curious, I Googled the price for new hot water heaters and they can range in price from 150-thousands of dollars. If I saved my 13.99 a month in the bank, I could replace my hot water heater at no cost to me!

So - I've decided I probably need a car protection plan, dog protect plan, shoe protection plan and possibly a computer protection plan - all so if something goes wrong I can call the right people and they will take care of replacement at no cost to me. Yeah.

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