Saturday, June 14, 2008

Summer is here!

Summer time. I love the long days - the warm weather - the late afternoon thunderstorms - the kids playing in the hose - I love summer. I love not being on a schedule and sleeping in until 9 or 9:30. I love cuddling with the kids when they wake up. I love to hear Janis laugh...

Today was just one of those days where the kids, every time they open their mouth, they are telling on one another - but it was also one of those days where I watch them in utter amazement and let them blossom. Today was a day of celebrating life and community...I could also say the entire weekend was embracing differences...

Last night we stopped in Comstock Park to support the local Relay for Life event. One little gal there, the same age as Janis, former gymnastics buddy and soon to be classmate has in-operable brain stem tumor. It goes without saying - she doesn't have long beautiful hair like many of the little girls we know - but that is only "difference" and what we choose to present to our children is not that of hair...but how alike the kids are. They enjoy cotton candy, playing games, running in the rain....they are the same on the inside - their hearts beat the same. So, the event gave me the opportunity to explain to my children the outward appearance of someone is not how we judge - we need to get past the outer core and get to the inside. I think they understand.

The same went for this afternoon at the Taste for Africa event sponsored by the Michigan Alliance for African Women. The primary audience where those from Africa and it was a fantastic event. My children had a blast and they tried so many different foods, listened to different music and made new friends. I think they understand skin color does not define who you is the person underneath and I for one, am proud of my children.

I want my children to recognize they are the future leaders of this country and if we are going to get anywhere in life - we need others - we need a global acceptance with a respect for culture and religion. Notice I say "respect" - it doesn't mean we have to agree with everything in order to be accepting - it only means we respect a culture and a way of life.

So, right now my son is clutching a handmade monkey and my daughter managed to twist off the tail of her hand made beaded elephant and I'm listing to some fantastic music we purchased and writing with a smile on my face. I had a great day and I know my kids did too...they embraced the weekend, celebrated life and community and that is what I'm all about.

Planning another great night up late, watching the kids play outside and looking forward to sleeping in and heading to church in the morning...celebration of life and community continues!

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